Our Pastor

Pastor Clinton McFarland
As in previous opportunities to serve, he labored diligently and immediately launched numerous highly successful Kingdom advancement projects within the church and community including a new location in Lithonia, GA. Membership increased substantially, and the spiritual climate was tremendously enhanced.
Pastor McFarland currently serves as the Founder and Senior Pastor of the Grace Baptist Church of Atlanta. It was in 2014 that the Lord began to speak to him in regard to stepping out on faith and establishing this church. Hungry for the anointed Word of God, hundreds of worshippers attended the first service on the last Sunday in November 2014.
The establishment of Grace Baptist Church of Atlanta is likened to an elect opportunity to reveal to God’s people just how much God will do when we trust and obey Him.
Pastor McFarland is highly respected among his peers as a preacher’s preacher. Over the years, he has been selected as the keynote speaker for many ministerial associations, alliances, and national organizations, including the prestigious National Baptist Conventions.
Graced with multiple gifts and talents, his platform for the ministry of the gospel has not been limited to the pulpit. He is a celebrated gospel recording artist and in addition to ministry through song.
Pastor McFarland is the author of “Life After Divorce–The Story of One Pastor’s Triumph over the Tragedy of Divorce.” Many individuals across the nation acknowledge that the release of this publication has brought welcomed healing and much-needed emotional freedom into their lives.
He is blessed to share each day of his life with his beautiful, supportive wife and best friend, Tamara and is the proud father of two beautiful children, Dwanna and Clinton McFarland. For all of the above, Rev. McFarland gives God complete glory!